About Me

Chelle Ellis
Visual Artist & Web Developer
I'm a painter, printmaker, clay & metal sculptor, working in North Mississippi and Memphis, Tennessee. I create monoprints and mixed media paintings, with found objects, paper, clay or metal sculptures added into the work. I paint primarily in acrylic on handmade paper, canvas and wood, focusing on simplified, repeated shapes. I also developed this website. :beam!:
Chelle Ellis

Printmaking & Mixed Media
I am feeling the pull back into mixed media with printmaking and paper. So that will be on my agenda when I return to my studio next month. I have been so busy with web development and house renovation that I have neglected art for far too long.
For the second part of June, my husband, Kenny, and I will be in the Florida Keys, celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary on June 23rd.
We also finally got our Southaven house listed after moving to our big old house in Coldwater, three years ago. If you would like to know more about all that, follow my blog at: