About Me

Ann Brown Thomason
Retired Physician, Painter in Oils & Acrylics
Educated and trained as a physician, my art education began at my mother’s knee. She had classic training, and would allow me her charcoals and pastels, but never her oils or watercolors. I am, for the most part, self-taught, and remembered her techniques as I watched her create beautiful works.
During a year off from medicine in 2018, my interest in painting was rekindled. I put the art studio in our home to good use, painting near daily and creating over 50 works of art that year. I joined the Bartlett Art Association, Plein Air Memphis, ArtistsLink, Memphis and The Joe Center for the Arts in Port St Joe, FL where we have had a second home for years. I have exhibited or demonstrated with these organizations at various venues including the Memphis Botanic Garden, St George Episcopal Church in Germantown, WKNO Gallery 1091,Incognito at Memphis Botanic Garden, and Collierville Nocturne Plein Air. I will be one of several artists for an exhibit at WKNO Gallery 1091 in 2021, as our debut scheduled for April 2020 as Light and Color Inspired was cancelled due to the pandemic.
I retired from medicine autumn of 2020 and am avidly painting and enjoying making up for lost time.

Light and Color Inspired
Ann Brown Thomason
Barbara Hicks
Katie Lindsey
Please join us in a celebration of Light and Color through the month of July 2021. Paintings by the Light & Color Inspired group are being exhibited for sale at PBS station WKNO, Memphis.
You can view the paintings at:
A percentage of all sales goes to support the station.